Thursday, August 7, 2008

podiums and scorpion zip ties.......

so, my tt went as expected, slow, hurt, no legs, but it was good to see the course at speed so I could better relate it to the kids. My boty Olheiser did end up second with a good ride, I asked him what it feels like to be the bridesmaid again........

It seems my advice didn't pay off for anyone except....CINTHIA!!!!! the girl rode her heart out and it was a national unveiling for her with a fine 3rd place.........

now, onto the deadly zip tie........I was helping swap out casettes for Cinthia, I found a zip tie and was going to put it on my cassette. It was then when I made the mistake......a moment I wish I had back. A small end of a cut tie was in the zip end of another. One that was too small for me to grab by my fingers, so I pinched it with my teeth and pulled......OUCH! it was then that the "tail" of this tie cocked back and snapped me in the right eye just like the tail of a scorpion. Damn, that hurt. And now, I have a HUGE hematom enveloping about 60% of my sclera and creeping into more area hour by hour. It hurts when I blink, but if I don't blink it dries out and scratches horribly. I tried to get by a opthamologist but everyone was closed, will get up in the a.m. and if it's no better I'll try again.

so, word to the wise, beware of the scoripn zip ties.......



Ecologize said...

Hey Steve! Welcome to Cali. Impressive rides by the team. How's life and bikes and ...oh! More youngsters?! Right on!

Jared (Wright)
who now lives in California and thinks he might get into the multisport thing a bit.

Carp said...

it's all good J-Rod- I wish I had know you were back in Cali while we were there-

Veggieburger Network said...

You'll have to hit us up next time you're in the barrio! I'm glad you're blogging. I enjoy following the exploits of the two-wheeled folks!