Wednesday, November 7, 2007

it's finally getting cold

yeah, for now atleast, it's funny, yesterday I was riding thinking how cold it was at 35 degrees and windy. But a month from now I'll be wishing it was 30 degrees. I ride in pretty much all types of weather, the coldest ride I did last year was 3+ hours at an average of 19 degrees. I remember 2 years ago I did 4 1/2 hours in 35 degrees and raining, but now I'm crying about a little chill in the air. It's alwways the change that gets me. Infact, when we get teh typical warm spell around here mid winter, enjoy it, but it makes it that much harder to readjust to the cold again.

I guess it could be worse.....didn't Erie, Pa get like a foot of snow yesterday???

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