Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Todays ride.....

I got out for a decent 2:40 today- and man was it beautiful. I was able to ride one of my favorite roads here, Dripping Springs road in Walker County Georgia. The only thing bad about the road is it's too short before it meets up with a highway but that's life. As I was riding I started to do some thinking in between glances at the power meter. My overwhelming thought was how warm it is. I mean, I was in shorts and thin arm warmers and was sweating. It's just not normal for their to be beutiful multicolored trees and 70+ degrees in late November.

So, my thoughts turned to this whole global warming thing and I started thynking how it would affect things like cycling (not that cycling is something of great worldly importance, but it's part of me so that's a natural thought pattern). Here's what I envision (hope I'm wrong)- in like 20 years cycling in the US won't be a summer sport because it will be like 130 degrees in the southeast, we'll be racing in balmy 80 degree temps in January, on the Canadian Boarder. If the trend continues in like 50 years there really won't be any organized sport because we'll all be cave dwellers living on mushrooms and dead bats, with the skin tone of Sean Kelly (THE MAN) in February no less. Those who choose to still be surface dwellers will face an existance parallel to Mad Max.

Over time, we will evolve into large eyes full pupiled creatures that haven't seen the light of day thier entire existance.

Sorry for being so down but it was an odd thought pattern I thought I'd share. So, in the meantime, hope it doesn't happen, enjoy the ride today and spend some time thinking about how you can effect change for tomorrow.....

BTW- 164.5 post ride today ;-)

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