Thursday, November 22, 2007

Todays ride.....

ahhhh, thanksgiving, time for a trip to the inlaws- me, my wife, our 4 kids and a hyper 5 month onld 45 pound Great Pyrenees puyppy, what a trip.

Got to Southeast Ohio at like 1:30 this morning, got to bed at 3:00, got up at 8:30 and managed to get a ride in- I feel a bit better about our future today as it was COLD, WINDY, DAMP, NO LEAVES ON TREES. Made me smile- this is what late November is supposed to be.....
the thing about riding up here in the appalachian foothills is there are crappy little patchwork, chip and seal roads. Even detoured to a grave road at one are more short 1K 10% climbs then you can imagine and enough dogs to keep things interresting. I hit a few roads I have always looked at but never gone down and I was rewarded with a backwoods feel to todays ride. If you've ever seen Silence of the Lambs- when the move starts and they are driving out to middle of nowhere WV- that's what it's like riding around here- roads go over hill and through hollow and it's pretty cool. Although there is te sense of what's waiting around the next corner. Especially after witnessing a hill jack domestic disturbance on the side of the road......

So I now feel like winter is agian approaching, tomorrow is supposed to be 25 degrees in the morning with flurries, I'll probably get in a 55-60 mile ride over in and around Huntington WV (Go Herd!). It will be nice....(and miserable)

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